Musical instruments


Bass Drum (or Kick Drum) - The largest drum, positioned on the floor, and usually struck with a pedal-operated mallet. It provides a deep, low sound that forms the rhythmic foundation.
Toms- These are medium-sized drums positioned above the bass drum and mounted on stands. Toms produce a range of mid to high sounds and are commonly used for fills and rolls.
Snare Drum (though not visible in the image, it's typically part of a standard kit) - Positioned between the drummer's legs,
Drum Stands and Hardware - These hold the drums and cymbals in place and allow adjustments for the drummer’s preference.

Studio microphone

Condenser Microphone - This microphone type is designed for high-quality vocal and instrumental recording, capturing a wide range of frequencies with great sensitivity.
Shock Mount - The microphone is held in a shock mount, which isolates it from vibrations and handling noise.
Studio Light - The bright circular light visible to the right is commonly used in studios to illuminate the recording space, helping to create a focused work environment.

Piano keyboard

White and Black Keys - The white keys represent the natural notes (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G), while the black keys represent the sharps and flats between them.
Acoustic Piano- Judging by the wood texture and structure, this appears to be an acoustic (possibly upright) piano, rather than a digital or electric keyboard
Monochrome/Black-and-White Effect - The photo has a black-and-white or sepia tone, which enhances the vintage feel of the instrument and highlights the contrast between the black and white keys.